Sunday, March 20, 2011

Operation Odyssey Dawn

Operation Odyssey Dawn

So it is that the coalition mandated by the UN Security Council to protect Libyans from what France called "Gadhafi's murderous rule" has begun.
The goal is to clamp a no fly zone over Libya.

France began 'Operation Odyssey Dawn' overnight with fighter planes targeting Gadhafi's military assets on Libya's northern coast.
Now the USS Barry used Tomahawk cruise missiles at up to 20 surface-to-air missile batteries plus command-and-control sites.

Despite being demure about it, Odyssey Dawn is US led.
Resolution 1973 was itself drafted by the Americans.
To their credit, even the Arab Cooperation Council itself sought the no fly zone.
The coming days will show whether Gadhafi will be ousted.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Return

My apologies for being away. My home site has become locked and so much else has happened, both happy and sad.
But my commitment to try to make sense of events the impact our lives has not wavered.
I focus more now on the fate of OFWS and global events.
you will find my most recent writing on the Facebook page of FilipinoVoices.
For this 'homecoming' post, two items:
it looks like Gadhafi is dithering to buy time and even set up a blockade of Benghazi.
The UNSC coalition cannot pussyfoot. Enforce the no fly zone without delay.
On local matters. our government should accelerate help for our nurses here and abroad who continue to be exploited and discriminated against.
Failing to help them is a monumental disservice.
Civil society. the Philippine Nurses Association in particular cannot shirk from the moral obligation it has to our nurses and the whole of Philippine society.